A number which describes, in specific terms, the ability of a material or assembly to transmit heat from outside to inside surfaces. Assemblies with lower U-Values transmit less heat than those with higher values. Please see the charts below for each product's specific U-Values:
- Energy Star Qualification Chart – All
- Energy Star Qualification Chart – Classic-Craft Fiberglass Doors
- Energy Star Qualification Chart – Fiber-Classic & Smooth-Star Fiberglass Doors
- Energy Star Qualification Chart – Steel Doors
- Energy Star Qualification Chart – Pulse Fiberglass & Steel Doors

A number which describes, in specific terms, the ability of a material or assembly to insulate heat. Assemblies with higher R-Values insulate more heat than those with lower values.
1 ÷ (U-Value) = R-Value

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
A measure of how well a glazed door assembly absorbs or reflects heat from the sun. The lower the coefficient, the better the glazed door is at blocking the sun's heat. Glazed doors in hot or temperate climates should have a low SHGC; south-facing glazed doors in cold climates should have a high SHGC. Please see the charts below for each product's specific Solar Heat Gain Coefficients:
Energy Star Qualification Chart – All
Energy Star Qualification Chart – Classic-Craft Fiberglass Doors
Energy Star Qualification Chart – Fiber-Classic & Smooth-Star Fiberglass Doors
Energy Star Qualification Chart – Steel Doors
Energy Star Qualification Chart – Pulse Fiberglass & Steel Doors

Fire Door Ratings
Therma-Tru offers a wide selection of fiberglass 20-Minute Fire-rated doors for protection with a sense of style. The fire door rating measures how long a door can prevent the passage of flame from one side of the door assembly to the other. Fire doors are usually rated for 20 or 90 minutes.
View Fire Door Ratings & Listing Reports for:

Sound Transmission Class (STC) Ratings
Therma-Tru STC-rated Noise Reduction doors deliver aesthetics with a commercial level of performance for residential projects. An STC rating measures how much noise is stopped by something. The higher the number the better: the scale is logarithmic, meaning each number is significantly higher than the next, like the Richter Scale for earthquake measurement.

Design Pressure (DP) Product Approvals
Design Pressure (DP) ratings are based on a Therma-Tru door systems’ performance in Structural Wind Load. As an example: A DP50 structural performance rating indicates that the door system has passed a structural test pressure of 75 lbs. per. sq. ft which is equal to a 165 mph wind. All Fiber-Classic and Smooth-Star product approvals require the use of 'J' part number door slabs. The Design Pressure ratings for Therma-Tru door systems can be found by reviewing the evaluation reports or installation instructions found in the product approvals.
Almost all of Therma-Tru's Classic-Craft, Fiber-Classic and Smooth-Star fiberglass door systems with or without clear and decorative glass doorlites have been tested and approved for coastal use. This includes configured door systems with one sidelite, two sidelites and double doors.
Either a Florida Statewide Approval or a Miami Dade NOA is required in Florida for permitting. Miami Dade NOA’s are no longer mandatory in the High Velocity Hurricane Zones of Miami Dade and Broward Counties. Therma-Tru Florida Statewide Approvals were noted as ‘Approved for use in the HVHZ’ may also be used to permit in Miami Dade and Broward Counties.
Florida Statewide Approval
Florida - Search and Download Approvals
Texas Dept. of Insurance Approvals