Security and privacy are high on everyone’s list of priorities when selecting a door, but no one wants to sacrifice great style to achieve them. With a Therma-Tru door system, you don’t have to. Since your preferences might be different from your neighbor’s, you have many ways to customize your options. Here are some of the security and privacy factors you’ll want to consider as you design your new entry.

Understand Privacy Ratings
Glass styles can be characterized by how well you can see through them at a certain distance. Our vast selection of glass options lets you decide what style you want to achieve and exactly how much privacy you want. That’s why all of our glass options have a privacy rating of 1 – 10, with clear glass being a 1. If you want maximum privacy, look at our Privacy and Textured Glass options, all of which have a privacy rating of 8 or higher.

Beautiful Blinds – Without the Hassles
If your heart is set on a glass style that has a lower privacy rating than you want, consider internal blinds. Since these blinds are protected between two panes of glass, you can maintain complete control over your privacy and level of light – and you never have to clean them. Plus, no dangling cords make them a kid- and pet-friendly choice – another way to feel secure at home.

Raise Your Glass
How you configure your entry is another way to control your level of privacy. Selecting a door style in which the glass is placed above eye-level is an option that welcomes light while limiting the view from outside. And if a solid door makes you feel even more secure, consider adding a transom (a horizontal window above the door) to your configuration to raise the glass even higher.

Construction Matters
If security is your highest priority, don’t assume you need steel. Therma-Tru fiberglass doors are built to be extremely strong and stable. We run sturdy supports, called stiles, up both sides of the door to help it stay straight and true. Then we add reinforced blocking on the locking side to give solid support to the lock and handle. A Therma-Tru fiberglass door system is available with an adjustable strike plate that’s tested to withstand up to three times the force of standard strike plates.*
Share your priorities with your building professional to make sure you go home to a door that’s as private and secure as it is stylish.
*ASTM-476. As tested by an independent laboratory. Not available on certain configurations.